Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Whole New World

It's amazing how shiny new objects bring out the creativity.

A friend is moving and we are the lucky recipients of scores of Lego's that were her now grown sons. My boys have already enjoyed hours of playtime and creativity.

The loot is a mix of half-still-together-kits, fully together kits, and completely mixed up individual pieces. The boys use the "halfers" as a base and create unique, though probably not FAA approved, but certainly "T and C" approved, flying empires.

They haven't reached the bottom of boxes one or two and there is still box three and a bag to go.

It seems to take something new and shiny, now and again, to get us kicked back into gear. I'd kind of stagnated in my work and a new company and new position have re-energized me. And made it more difficult to keep up with blogs, life etc ... until I find my rhythm.

I think though, we don't really need material changes to break the rut. Doesn't He promise that it's " new every morning"?  That we just have to get up and look at what He provides - the shiny new wonder of it all -

Then there's nothing stagnant ... Nothing not flight worthy.

1 comment:

  1. Great post!!! A few words in there that I needed to hear too. Your timing is wonderful!!!
